In order to start digital tachograph and driver card remote download service we have to take into account that all downloads require a company card for the specific customer which can be kept at your client or at your designated area, called card hotel, where you can handle multiple cards for multiple companies.

This way your business model can be with card hosting included or with the company card kept at the client.

Both of this have their benefits and also their drawbacks.

We recommend the card hosting solution because this way you can take all the tachograph download related responsibilities from your client and offer higher quality services.

Benefits of card hosting could be a higher quality service because you can control all aspect of the download. The drawback is that you will have to build a designated area where you can securely store your company cards. The benefits of this model is highly out phases the drawback mentioned earlier.

However, there is also a solution for customers who are not willing to send in their company cards and they would rather manage the system by themselves. This will of course later cause problems because lack of know-how, troubleshooting or by simple keeping computers holding company card reader shut down, missing this way important downloads and eventually fines. 

Either way, hosted or client installation, the system will be composed by the following components:

In case of a company card hosting service you will have to make sure that you can safely store all your clients company cards, preferably in a locked rack in order to prevent accidental or voluntary removal of the cards.

This area will host multiple USB card readers connected to a USB  hub or dedicated card rack which can easily store 10 to 100 company cards.

We recommend a PC for every 100 company cards in order to have the highest possible download rate of the tachographs and cards.