From 2024.04.01 TachoSAFE WEB supports uploading digital tachograph and driver card files via FTPS protocol.
Both FTPS explicit and FTPS implicit protocols are supported, but only the the Explicit can work in unsecured manner.
We recommend using any FTP Client that supports encryption such as FileZilla, CuteFTP, etc.
All processed files will in short time show up in your Tachosafe WEB account and you can proceed to analyze immediately.
As the FTP protocol has limited rejection posibility, not accepted files will get rejected with 553 File upload error.
For details you can check the status of the upload on the Notification manager.
FTP Settings for your FTP client
Port: 990 for Implicit SSL/TLS autentication
Port: 2221 for Explicit SSL/TLS autentication
Username: <your tachosafe web username>
Password: <your tachosafe web password>
Connect your download device to your computer
Setup an automatic FTP uploader application and set it's source directory to the folder of the download devices Download folder or the folder that stores the downloaded card
Setup the application for automatic or scheduled syncronization
Setup the FTP server connection with the parameters above
Test the connection
At every connection of the device the application should upload all files from the download folder to the TachoSAFE WEB
Proceed with analysis on TachoSAFE WEB