Download the latest TachoSafe GPRS 2 Configuration Tool.

Connect the terminal to the computer with a micro USB cable.

Start the Configuration Tool.

If the TachoSafe GPRS 2 Configuration Tool does not start, then please download the 32 bit version of Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017

If the device can't be recognized over the USB when you connect it, try to Enter the device in bootloader mod.

Select the Commands page and click on the Write new FW button.

A folder selector will appear and select the proper USB disk for the RDU unit and press OK.

After that a file selector will appear to select the proper binary file that contains the new FW for the RDU unit.

You can download the latest GPRS 2 FW and GPRS 2 CRC from here: you will need bought files.

If everything works properly you should see a similar output window

If you don't see the FW Changed message then the firmware was not changed.

If the Configuration tool is not responding any more, then wait for one minute at least and disconnect and reconnect the device to the USB and check if the FW update was successful or not. If not then try it again.